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My daughter called me and said, "Mom I have to have my gall bladder out." They were going to remove it by laparosopic surgery (making three small incisions), which should have been easy. Any way, they did the surgery and removed the gall bladder on November 14.  They sent my daughter home and she went to the emergency room on  November 19 in pain. They told her this is normal and sent her home. She said, "I know this is not normal, it hurts to bad."  The very next day she was taking by ambulance to the hospital in horrible pain.  They did a nuclear scan and told her, “Your bile duct is leaking into your body cavity. We will go in and place a stint to the intestine and that should take care of the problem."  I told her, "I will come out there to California." She said, “Mom,  no need,  by the time you can get out here I will be in and out of surgery.” Well I kept waiting to hear and eight hours later she called me and said, “ Mom the procedure did not work. They are going to go in again on Monday and see if they can do something.”  I said, “I think I need to come out there.”  She said, “I think you do too Mom.”  It was our thanksgiving here in the United States, November 24.  I arrived there Thursday afternoon. I walked in the hospital room. I saw my daughter lying there with not much color in her face. They had placed a tube in her body to drain out the bile, which is a deadly poison, into a bag on her side. But they could not stop the leak. She did not look good at all. In just a little while I laid hands on her and prayed for her. She said when I prayed for her she felt heat go into the top of her head all the way down to the bottom of her feet.   The very next morning, which was Friday around eight, I walked into that hospital room and there was a complete turnaround for the good. She had color in her face, she was able to sit up. They told her,  “We are going to send you for another nuclear scan and if there is no leak you will not need the surgery on Monday.”  They sent her for another nuclear scan on Saturday, there was no more leak! HALLELUJAH!!  JESUS DID WHAT THE DOCTORS COULD NOT DO!!!  Now let me explain to you.  This only happens in one percent of the patients that have their gall bladder removed, where the bile duct leaks.  Out of that one percent that has the bile duct leak, eighteen percent die.  As a matter of fact my daughter ask the doctor when she went to the emergency room the second time, "Am I going to die?" The doctor says, “Let’s not talk about that right now.” BUT LET ME SAY IT AGAIN; JESUS DID WHAT THE DOCTORS COULD NOT DO!! THANK YOU LORD FOR MY DAUGHTER!! THANK YOU FOR HEALING HER!!! I thank all of those who prayed for my daughter!!

The lady in the room in the hospital bed beside her said, “Can your Mom lay hands on me and pray for me to.” I did in the Name Of Jesus!!

My daughter tells everyone what Jesus did for her and gives Him all the Glory!! She has an awesome voice and wants to sing for Jesus and tell others what Jesus can do!

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